I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've last updated everyone. This last week has been family week. It all started last Saturday when my parents came to visit for the week. When they got here, we walked over to Father Hennepin Days here in Champlin. It's pretty much like a mini-fair. Carson got to ride a pony, feed some animals and ride on the rides. It was his first time! He went on a choo-choo train, cars and then on a dragon roller coaster (I had to go with on that one). He had a great time. Then on Sunday, Paul's family came to town for Ashton's baptism. Then we had everyone over for a BBQ. My parents left on Monday to go to Iowa to visit my grandparents and then came back here on Thursday afternoon. On Friday we went to Como Zoo and Carson got to ride even more rides and see all of the animals and then Saturday I went shopping at the Albertville outlets and then my parents left from there to go back to Minot. So, we have been very busy, but it was a great time and went by way too fast. These pictures are of Carson at Father Hennepin Days. I will post more pictures later in the week.
Love the picture of you and Carson all snuggled on the ride!!
Jaime, you look so scared on the rollercoaster! Good thing Carson was there to comfort you.
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