I can remember how nervous we were to become parents for the first time. I remember how nervous we were to bring a baby home. We didn't know how to take care of a baby.
I also remember the emotions we felt when they told us that Carson was having seizures and was getting transferred to the NICU. I can still remember just like it was yesterday, seeing him in the NICU hooked up to all those wires and not knowing what was going to happen.

I remember all the tests and going up there every day to feed him and hold him, hoping they would find out what caused the seizures, but at the same time praying they wouldn't find anything. I remember going to bed each night and hoping we wouldn't receive a call in the middle of the night. I remember the joy we felt when we finally got to bring Carson home a week later.
Now it's three years later and we have the happiest and healthiest boy...well, a little on the skinny side...but no seizures. Today, I reflect back on how far Carson has come in the last three years and how much joy he has brought to our lives. It's amazing to see how much he learns every day and how he talks non-stop. He's really becoming a little man!
So, today was Carson's day! I made him muffins for breakfast and he ate popcorn for lunch. Paul and I bought him a car carrier (yes, it's really that big...not sure what we were thinking) and a new bike for him to ride next year.
He played with the car carrier all day and took a couple of trips on his bike in our kitchen. Then we went out to eat at Champps for dinner with my brother, who's birthday was Friday (Happy Birthday Travis). Carson had spaghetti...as you can see.
Then we came home and it was time for cake.
This birthday was really great because he actually understood what was going on. He thanked us for the presents we got him , gave us hugs and said it was his best birthday ever. On Saturday he will be having his birthday party with all of our family and friends. I know he is going to love that day too. So, happy 3rd birthday Carson! Mom and Dad love you!
Wow, it is downright amazing how much we can remember, too, from Carson's first days in this world. And now look at him! Happy B-day, dude! Love, Ross, Allison & Gus
What a great post... it brought tears to my eyes! He's a lucky little man to have parents like you... Happy birthday Carson!!!
Lindy, Aaron, & Gabe
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