Ashton now has 7 teeth with the 8th one starting to come in. With these new teeth he loves to bite things, such as his puffs, Cheetos, and people! He is starting to eat more people food and loves toast and mandarin oranges. He's even had his first Jimmy John's sandwich, a turkey slim with cheese. He loved it! I couldn't feed him fast enough.
This is how we are now greeted whenever he wakes up! He just waits for someone to come and get him out of his crib.
Another one of Ashton's favorite things to do, is climb the stairs. He is obsessed with climbing them. He's even taught himself to slide down them as well. We try to barricade him downstairs, but he is finding ways to get around it.
Ashton is now pulling himself up on anything that he can, the couch, toy box, and Carson's little table. Carson isn't liking this new trick. Now Ashton can reach his toys as well or bother him while he's eating. You have to love boys!
You are cool. Please come teach me how to get around the up-the-stairs barricade, that would be handy.
Great post! I love the pics! Can Cam have some of Ashton's teeth..ha! See ya soon!
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